Investigation Report TS.64-03-04

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    January 2005
  • Body:
    General Practitioners Lanarkshire Area
  • Sector:

The complaint provided by Mr C was that in November 2000 his mother, Mrs C, had a blood test arranged by GP 1 which indicated a slight abnormality in her kidney function. She had a history of hypertension and leg oedema. No monitoring or follow up tests were arranged. Mrs C did not see a GP again until 17 July 2002 when a home visit from GP 2 was arranged. A blood sample was taken and the results showned an abnormality. On GP 2's advice, Mrs C stopped taking her medication and further blood tests were aranged. On 23 July another home visit was requested. Another GP (GP 3) attended and arranged an emergency admission to hospital for Mrs C. She died in hospital later that day.

Updated: December 11, 2018