Decision Report 201402416

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    February 2015
  • Body:
    East Kilbride and District Housing Association Ltd
  • Sector:
    Housing Associations
  • Outcome:
    Upheld, action taken by body to remedy, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    rent and/or service charges


Miss C complained that she had been inappropriately billed for rent arrears on her former tenancy. She noted that she had not received the bill until seven months after the tenancy was terminated. She also said that she received a cheque from the association at the end of the tenancy for money they owed her and she questioned why any arrears were not deducted from this amount. The association apologised to her for the confusion surrounding the arrears but said they were unable to write them off. Miss C was unhappy about this and brought her complaint to us.

We asked the association for more information on the arrears and when they reviewed Miss C's account they found that they had made a mistake. The account was actually in credit so they issued her with a refund, along with an apology for the poor service they had provided. They outlined what they had done to improve their processes to try to avoid the same thing happening again. In the circumstances, we upheld the complaint but, in light of the remedial action taken by the association, we did not make any recommendations.

Updated: March 13, 2018