Decision Report 202100726

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    November 2021
  • Body:
    Wheatley Housing Group Ltd
  • Sector:
    Housing Associations
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    neighbour disputes and anti-social behaviour


C complained about the association’s response to anti-social behaviour. C said this had been continual since they moved into their property. It was affecting them and in particular, their child. C said that the association had failed to take meaningful action, or follow up properly on their reports. C believed that they had been misled about what the association would do and the evidence they submitted had been disregarded.

We found that the association had followed their procedures and could evidence the action they had taken in response to C’s complaints. This included liaising with Police Scotland, contacting the tenant responsible and canvassing other residents for corroborating evidence. We found that the association had been restricted by limitations imposed on staff by COVID-19, but that they had responded reasonably and appropriately to C’s concerns. Therefore, we did not uphold this aspect of C's complaint.

C also said their complaint had been investigated by members of staff they specifically did not want involved in their complaint. The association had acknowledged this and said this was due to human error on the part of staff who had recorded the complaint. They had failed to note C’s concerns, resulting in the complaint being allocated to the wrong person. We found that the association had taken the appropriate action to address this mistake. We also found that although C had been concerned about this, there was no evidence it had materially affected the investigation of their complaint. Therefore, we did not uphold this aspect of C's complaint.

Updated: November 17, 2021