SPSO Strategic Plan 2020-2024 consultation - now closed

Please note that this consultation is now closed

In the coming weeks the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body will be considering the SPSO’s draft Strategic Plan. The plan covers the SPSO’s vision, values and strategic aims for 2020-2024. 

We invite comments, from individuals and organisations, about all aspects of the draft SPSO Strategic Plan 2020-2024.  

The consultation is open until 28 February 2020.  

The draft Strategic Plan is available here.

If you would like to respond to the consultation, please download the consultation response form for further information here.

“We will live our values to deliver our functions efficiently, effectively and economically. While our remit is wide, and expanding, we aspire to deliver our business coherently and consistently across all functions.“

Rosemary Agnew, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

The Strategic Plan 2020—2024 sets out the SPSO’s strategic aims under the themes of accessibility, access to justice, capacity and standards. 

The Ombudsman said: “The delivery of our strategy will be through our annual business plans, which set out the actions we take to achieve our higher aims. We recognise that in delivering our strategy, we are adding value by contributing to Scottish public service improvement and providing access to justice for users of those services. We understand both the complexity of our business and the challenges and risks SPSO and Scottish public services face over the coming years.”

Updated: March 2, 2020